Sunday, 1 April 2012

Corridor Manchester

Last week we had a talk from Corridor Manchester. The Corridor is a foundation that aims to bring in more economic growth for Manchester by linking together the universities, city council and NHS university hospitals. The Corridor is also starting a regeneration program that should be completed in 2020, this regeneration is also part of the aim to increase the economic growth of the city.

  • Today the Corridor generates £3.2 billion, 25% of the city’s GVA.
  • 55 000 people work on the Corridor, 12 % of the city’s workforce.
  • 43% of the activity is in knowledge intensive sectors, significantly higher than the national (22%) and regional (21%) averages.

I feel very involved within the city from all of these talk that we are having, its a great way for us to learn about Manchester and its future plans for development. Most of us came to the city at the start of the year knowing very little about what Manchester is about and where it is going and this project so far has been a great way to find out about it.

Within one of my talks I was told that Manchester was the type of city that when faced with a problem it went out and did something about it. For example when Manchester was losing trade because it had no port it went and created a whole canal network. I think this is a very admirable quality that is very inspiring for a project like this.

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